The Pantoloons are proud to present. ‘The Lie-On King’ a pantomime written by Joe Crisfield and directed by Margaret Bishop
The evening will be fun for all the family and the panto supports the Daniel Spargo Mabbs Foundation and MERU.
Dates: Wednesday 25th to Saturday 28th January 2017:
Times: Wednesday to Saturday: 7.45pm and a Saturday Matinee at 3pm
Cost: Adults: £8 and Children under 16 years of age: £6
Booking on line at
Venue: Purley United Reformed Church, 906 Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey, CR8 2LN
Purley CR8 2LN, UK
The Pantoloons are a pantomime group based in Purley, Surrey. We perform one pantomime a year, at the end of January, and often the script is written by members of the group. We perform at the Purley United Reformed Church in Brighton Road, Purley, and part of the income from the shows goes to support local charities, who are nominated by members.
(Source: The Pantoloons website).