A reminder – Recycling at church

As you know we have started collecting empty tablet strip packs and we are taking them to Superdrug who are working in conjunction with TerraCycle who convert the packaging into reusable raw materials preventing empty packs spending a lifetime in landfill.
Currently we get quite a lot of Costa disposable coffee cups brought into church, mainly by hirers, and they cannot go in our recycling due to a plastic inner coating. Costa Coffee say they are on a mission to recycle as many cups as possible. They just need to be handed into one of their shops and what’s good is they will take them from any brand.

As we are trying to improve our Eco Church credentials we will start collecting these too. There are now two labelled boxes on a table in the foyer – one for the empty tablet strips and a new one added for empty disposable coffee cups.

Please continue to bring your empty tablet strip packs and we will let hirers know about collecting empty disposable coffee cups.

Many thanks, Jill
