On Sunday 5 September, which was Climate Sunday, the visiting preacher Ian Fletcher led the service on the theme of climate and the service was registered with Churches Together.
The Climate Sunday campaign team recently sent us an update on the Climate Sunday Campaign and refers to COP26 and after.

Dear Purley United Reformed Church
Thank you for your continued support of the Climate Sunday campaign. It’s been incredible to see what we’ve been able to achieve together over the last year.
With COP26 only a week away we’d like to update you on the progress of the campaign, what we’ll be doing atCOP26 itself, and what our plans are after COP26 is over.
The Campaign
This year, across society people have been gearing up for the UN climate negotiations (COP26). It’s been inspiring to see churches do the same as part of Climate Sunday. Over 2,200 churches across Britain and Ireland have held a climate focused service, engaging more deeply in creation care theology, committing to long term environmental action in their communities and signing the Time is Now declaration.
Climate Sunday at COP26
We’re going to COP26 and we’re taking you with us! Climate Sunday has a stall in the COP26 green zone (the civil society space) on the 1st November. We’ll be using this to highlight the incredible things churches have been doing over the last year.
Please send any photos you have from your climate focused services, activities and commitments to [email protected] for possible inclusion at our COP26
Keep an eye on our communication channels for updates from our team at COP26 on our Twitter and Facebook pages.
After COP26
We’ll be hosting a webinar on 18th November at 7pm with members of our COP26 team to report back to you what we did at COP, some reflections on the outcomes of the conference, and what’s next after COP26.
Register for the webinar at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8216352483668/ WN_4QTWiUsEQyixhloqdrSClg
Save the date! We will also be hosting another webinar on 20th January at 7pm to talk in detail about what’s next for churches who have taken part in Climate Sunday, we’ll let you know more about that soon.
Beyond Climate Sunday
The vision of Climate Sunday is to leave a lasting legacy of thousands of churches tackling climate change as an integral part of their mission, and equipped to campaign on climate issues. COP26 isn’t the end of that vision.
As the campaign draws to a close, we’ll point you towards ways you can keep going with your climate commitments by continuing to engage with creation care during your church services, continuing your journey with the greening schemes, and campaigning to make sure the government honours its climate commitments after COP26.
Every blessing and many thanks,
Climate Sunday Team
5Please send any photos you have from your climate focusedservices, activities and commitments [email protected] for possible inclusion at our COP26stall.Keep an eye on our communication channels for updatesfrom our team at COP26 on ourTwitter andFacebookpages.After COP26We’ll be hosting a webinar on 18th November at 7pm withmembers of our COP26 team to report back to you what we didat COP, some reflections on the outcomes of the conference,and what’s next after COP26.Register for the webinar athttps://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8216352483668/WN_4QTWiUsEQyixhloqdrSClgSave the date! We will also be hosting another webinar on20th January at 7pm to talk in detail about what’s next forchurches who have taken part in Climate Sunday, we’ll letyou know more about that soon.Beyond Climate SundayThe vision of Climate Sunday is to leave a lasting legacy ofthousands of churches tackling climate change as an integralpart of their mission, and equipped to campaign on climateissues. COP26 isn’t the end of that vision.As the campaign draws to a close, we’ll point you towardsways you can keep going with your climate commitments bycontinuing to engage with creation care during your churchservices, continuing your journey with the greening schemes,and campaigning to make sure the government honours itsclimate commitments after COP26.Every blessing and many thanks,Climate Sunday Team