Commitment for Life

is the United Reformed Church’s programme which, working in partnership with Christian Aid and the World Development Movement, helps some of the poorest and most disadvantaged people in the world. ‘Commitment for Life’ has a vision for the whole world in which poverty and injustice are no more.
Purley URC has supported this initiative for many years both by asking for prayers for this work and the people who are being helped and also by an annual 1% Appeal when members of the congregation are asked to give 1% of their disposable income.
Four parts of the world currently receive support from the Commitment for Life Programme – Bangladesh, Central America, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories and Zimbabwe. Purley URC is currently focusing support on Central America, where Christian Aid works with seven countries – Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua.
In Central America Christian Aid works with around 30 partner organisations. These include indigenous communities, small farmers’ associations, development organisations, research institutions and faith-based organisations. The main areas of work cover tacking gang violence, supporting co-operatives, disaster risk reduction and tax justice.
Further details of the ‘Commitment for Life’ programme may be found on
We are also asked to take action ourselves, where possible, by buying Fairtrade goods in shops and supermarkets, supporting Purley URC’s monthly Traidcraft stall, through being environmentally responsible and by writing to our MP’s etc.
To view news letters from our Central American Commitment for Life’ Partners click on the button below:
To view the United Reformed Church’s Commitment for Life pages click on the button below: