“No man steps into the same river twice” – words attributed by Plato to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus. Time moves on, nothing stays the same, be it a river, a person or a body of people such as a Church. This ancient wisdom was reflected in the title of the 16th International […]
Fairtrade Fortnight 2016 – 29 February to 13 March
The theme for 2016 Fairtrade Fortnight is the Fairtrade Breakfast In 1967 Martin Luther King Jnr said, “Before you finish eating breakfast in the morning you’ve depended on more than half the world” Maybe this morning you enjoyed: coffee from Kenya, bananas from Colombia, cocoa from Cote d’Ivoire, tea from India, sugar from Malawi and […]
Partnership Peace Prayer 2015
International Partnership Peace Prayer 2015 Used in the Partnership churches on Partnership Sunday, 6th September 2015. This common prayer for peace recalls the outbreak of the Second World War 0n 1 September 1939 and unites us with our partner congregations in Hartford, Purley, Ostrava and Dessau. (1) ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ says Jesus Christ. Gracious […]
World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
Bridges, Not Walls World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel – 20 to 26 September 20 to 26. * ‘For He is our peace; in his flesh, He has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is the hostility between us’ Ephesians 2. v 14 (NRSV) A symbol […]
International Partnership Youth Trip to Speyer
This summer a group of five young people and four adults are travelling to our partnership church in Speyer, Germany, for a youth get-together. Also taking part will be people from two of our other partnership churches, Dessau and Ostrava. The group going from Purley leave for Speyer on 1st August and return home on 9th August. […]
Communications from Dessau
The following was sent from our Partnership church in Dessau, Germany to the other churches in our international Partnership. It was read out during the Sunday morning service at PURC on 10 May 2015. ear sisters and brothers in the partnership congregations; it is now 70 years since the end of the Second World War. This war brought […]