The following was sent from our Partnership church in Dessau, Germany to the other churches in our international Partnership. It was read out during the Sunday morning service at PURC on 10 May 2015.
Dear sisters and brothers in the partnership congregations; it is now 70 years since the end of the Second World War. This war brought unimaginable suffering and destruction to the peoples of the world. Humankind was the loser.In this situation Christians become a sign of hope. In the face of the old ideologies and based on their Christian convictions, they set about putting reconciliation into practice.
On 8th May we feel it is right to look back with gratitude to this origin of our partnership.
In the name of our congregation I greet you warmly and I wish God’s blessing on our International Church Partnership.
Udo Stork
(taken from the June 2015 issue of Reflections – our monthly publication)