The Bookworm Group

The Bookworm
Group is the place to come if you enjoy reading and a chance to reflect with
others as well as having fun.

People who are interested in joining the Bookworm Group please e-mail Barbara at [email protected]

The Bookworm
Group was formed in 1988 by Ray Adams, our minister at the time, with church
members who love to read. The rationale was that people who belong to a church
need to have a better idea of what and how people outside the church think,
especially if they want to interact constructively with the modern world.

Since its
foundation the Book Group has convened approximately every six weeks to discuss
a book. Through the years its members have been introduced to new authors,
books, as well as new countries and cultures outside western culture.
Occasionally the Book Group has returned to a literature classic, only to
discover how contemporary its themes and concerns are.

The size of the
Book Group has stayed stable at approximately nine people through the years.
Once every year they meet to suggest books for the following twelve months, so
that every person usually contributes one book for the reading list.

The reading list for 2019 is as follows:

Date (Wednesdays / 2019) Book and Author
6th February ‘Dear Mrs Bird’ by A.J. Pearce
20th March ‘To the Hermitage’ by Malcolm Bradbury
1st May ‘Tamed:  ten species that changed our world’ by Alice Roberts
19th June ‘The Music of the Spheres’ by Elizabeth Redfern
31st July ‘Entry Island’ by Peter May
18th September ‘Where my Heart used to Beat’ by Sebastian Faulks
30th October ‘Purple Hibiscus’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
4th December Christmas Lunch at the ‘Mekan’ Restaurant, opposite the Church on the Brighton Road (to be followed with coffee and decision on the next year’s book at a member’s home).
Subject to change – updates will be made to website as necessary – David Wiggs – Webmaster

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